Well-Known Member
05 April 2021: Yeast Comparison Citra SMaSH
Batch Size: 10 litres
Boil Time: 20 mins
Mash water: 13L
Total water: 13L
Boil volume: 10.4L
Pre-boil gravity: 1.039
Original gravity: 1.048
Final gravity: 1.009/1.011
IBU: 42
65 Celsius for 60 minutes
2kgkg (100%) Weyermann pale ale malt
5g citra lupomax - boil (15 min)
10g citra lupomax - boil (10 min)
10g citra lupomax - boil (5 min)
10g citra lupomax - boil (1 min)
10g citra lupomax - boil (0 min)
18g citra lupomax (each) - dry hop (5 days)
1.2g cacl2
2.3g mgso4
2.8g caso4
0.5 whirlfloc tablet - Boil (15min)
10.5 yeast nutrient - Boil (15min)
us05/Lallemand verdant ipa
Been chatting to a mate for a while now about whether we’d notice the difference between different yeasts in an ipa, so we decided to test it and brew a split batch, pitching us05 and Lallemand verdant yeast in equal quantities. The trouble is, there is a sea between us, so we’re both brewing it ourselves and testing our own brews.
We decided on a simple smash beer for the purpose, so I brewed 10 litres yesterday, with a view to ending up with 4.5 litres into each demijohn. A mostly problem free brew day aside from the bag of grain bursting as I was opening it, resulting in grain falling out of the basket, but not a massive deal as the bazooka filter caught it when transferring to the demijohn. I just hope boiling with a small amount of grain hasn’t impacted flavour too much.
First time using lupomax hops, and as I had no bittering additions at 60 minutes, I opted for a shortened 20 minute boil. Efficiency was slightly up on predictions, and I ended up with an OG of 1.050, which should result in a 5.1-5.5% beer.
Batch Size: 10 litres
Boil Time: 20 mins
Mash water: 13L
Total water: 13L
Boil volume: 10.4L
Pre-boil gravity: 1.039
Original gravity: 1.048
Final gravity: 1.009/1.011
IBU: 42
65 Celsius for 60 minutes
2kgkg (100%) Weyermann pale ale malt
5g citra lupomax - boil (15 min)
10g citra lupomax - boil (10 min)
10g citra lupomax - boil (5 min)
10g citra lupomax - boil (1 min)
10g citra lupomax - boil (0 min)
18g citra lupomax (each) - dry hop (5 days)
1.2g cacl2
2.3g mgso4
2.8g caso4
0.5 whirlfloc tablet - Boil (15min)
10.5 yeast nutrient - Boil (15min)
us05/Lallemand verdant ipa
Been chatting to a mate for a while now about whether we’d notice the difference between different yeasts in an ipa, so we decided to test it and brew a split batch, pitching us05 and Lallemand verdant yeast in equal quantities. The trouble is, there is a sea between us, so we’re both brewing it ourselves and testing our own brews.
We decided on a simple smash beer for the purpose, so I brewed 10 litres yesterday, with a view to ending up with 4.5 litres into each demijohn. A mostly problem free brew day aside from the bag of grain bursting as I was opening it, resulting in grain falling out of the basket, but not a massive deal as the bazooka filter caught it when transferring to the demijohn. I just hope boiling with a small amount of grain hasn’t impacted flavour too much.
First time using lupomax hops, and as I had no bittering additions at 60 minutes, I opted for a shortened 20 minute boil. Efficiency was slightly up on predictions, and I ended up with an OG of 1.050, which should result in a 5.1-5.5% beer.