Here's a few pics from yesterday's unloading and organising.
Hi RodHi Andrew just let me know when i can pick up, it does not matter what day being retired has it's advantages cheers
It really doesn't matter - as long as it's not before 7.00am!Hi Ken tomorrow ok if so what time
PerfectHi Ken about 12ish if thats ok also are there any supermarkets local to you Mrs wants to go shopping
It wasn't 16.34 but twenty five to five - I know I was thereGeorge Gilbert Scott designed a lot of it including the school and literary institute. On that cobbled square is a pub built in 1634 that @Obadiah Boondoggle went to the opening of as a small boy.
Knowing where you live - you didn't work for Waterfields by any chance?Thanks Andrew looks like i am in for a good afternoon, i know of Chatwins they used to visit the bakery were i worked for 30 years, i will bring my camera to take a pick of Kens bins
Well RodYes Ken you are spot on ARW or Mr Richard the chairman was very friendly with Chatwins , Richard is a great bloke he trained in France and was a proper baker he would come in early doors roll his sleeves up and get stuck in happy days, how did you work that out Ken
Yes Ken you are spot on ARW or Mr Richard the chairman was very friendly with Chatwins , Richard is a great bloke he trained in France and was a proper baker he would come in early doors roll his sleeves up and get stuck in happy days, how did you work that out Ken