CO2 system questions

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Hey all,

I'm in the middle of getting a corny set up for lager. I have the corny, I have the fittings and I think know what I need in the way of a regulator. My problem is with the CO2.

Ideally we only need a small bottle, as we won't be using tonnes for the time being. Trouble is I can't find any bottles for sale in London. They're all oop noorth and none of them post (and I no longer have a car!)

Anyone got any hints?

Also, would I be able to use one of those S30 ones for the time being, or is that a massive waste of money?

Finally, is Ebay the only place to bother getting a tap? My mate really wants a Heineken one (His wife's Dutch) but the ones on ebay seem to be really expensive. Anyone know another place to get them cheap, other than from a pub that's closing?

Try gas cylinders uk they will deliver but it could cost cost you more as for taps you could get a used tap from ebay they are cheap just need a good clean.
Cheers guys. I did a lot of google-fu last night (obviously after posting this message!) and was confused as to how much gas I'd need. Is 3kg enough for a good few brews? I found two that were interesting, but wasn't sure if 1.5kg was far too little (and therefore a massive waste of money) or if 3kg was plenty?

I also looked on Londongasses and found this, but is Aquarium gas Ok? It would mean buying the bottle, which suits me better than renting it.
A 6kg cylinder should dispense 14 11gallon barrels so based on that it should last you a good year.
I use one of these and am3 months into the first cylinder and there seems to be plenty left.
Ok, so we only have one 19 litre corny, so I'm sure 3 kgs would deliver enough to dispense 14 of those! But does that include carbonating it as well as dispensing it? Does it really matter which CO2 I get, or is an aquarium one OK?

Thanks again all.
I think aquarium co2 would be ok for dispensing i use a fire extinguisher company for my refills.3kgs would be fine fo 1 keg just make sure you dont have leaks.
We'll see if it's fourth time lucky and the forum lets me post this morning!

Thanks for the advice - do you think 3kgs would be enough to carbonate as well as dispense?
3kg of co2 will condition and serve a fair few corny fulls no problem.

if u can house a 3kg bottle why not a 6.5kg full size job?

gas bottles supplied on an exchange basis are the property of the supplier who is responsible for the safety certification and maintenance costs,
Thanks very much. We've gone for the smaller of the bottles because of women problems. I'm sure my mate's wife will be unhappy about a 3kg bottle and even less happy about a 6kg one!

Cheers for the advice though.