CML Gretel yeast

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Nov 1, 2018
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For those that have used this yeast, does it really attenuate as much as the packet says? When I plug in 87% into the recipe generator it drys the beer out below the BJCP guidelines for the style I'm attempting to brew.
Well it took off like a mad thing and tried to escape via the spunding valve. Right now there's a constant hiss of escaping gas rather than the occasional puff I've heard previously.

I'll let you all know what FG is, and judging by how it's chugging along, it won't be long...


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I’ve used it once and got 80.04% attenuation (Weissbier made 50/50 wheat and Pilsner) produced a nice beer not quite as strong on the banana as I would like bit still produced a very drinkable beer.
Well it took off like a mad thing and tried to escape via the spunding valve. Right now there's a constant hiss of escaping gas rather than the occasional puff I've heard previously.

I'll let you all know what FG is, and judging by how it's chugging along, it won't be long...
I took my spunding valve apart the other week and was surprised at how much grot was in there. Easy to clean and sanitise though.
I did the same, @RoomWithABrew and yes, even after soaking and cleaning with a pipe cleaner, I got a face full of crud when I attached it to a gas line to blow through :laugh8:
Hope you weren't soaking the gauge.
Did you disassemble all of the diaphragm part, that bit was the dirtiest when I looked. But no face full of crud for me though.
Next time put the spunding valve the other side of a kegland plastic T piece on a bottle, that will stop crud entry and if you have it all clean in the bottle you can use this method to harvest the yeast.
Using Greṭel and have gone from 1050 to 1020 in 24 hours. Heading home expecting my airlock to look a bit frothy. 😄
Knowing that CML repackage their yeast, does anyone know which yeast it out originally?
Knowing that CML repackage their yeast, does anyone know which yeast it out originally?
They say "A diastatic yeast with loads of clove and banana....Similar WB-06 in profile"

WB-06 isn't a proper hefe yeast, it's a somewhat peculiar member of the saison family, that looks like it came from Duvel. So I'd use it for Duvel-style Belgian beers, but for a hefe I would stick with Munich Classic which is much the best dry option for the style. Oh, and WB-06 completely trashes hop flavour IME so keep it away from anything hoppy.
Well, I have kegged my Paulaner Clone and after a week it is tasting pretty good, well carbonated, great colour and a definite hint of banana. Not much clove, but I fermented at around 22-23C (next time I'll reduce temp a little) . All in all, Gretel seemed to work fine for this style, very happy with my first all grain :)

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