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Nov 19, 2013
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When I mixed up my beer enhancer and brewing sugar I found that some of it had clumped up together. I have had it happen before and I sieved the mix into another FV. Today I done it again but then made another brew and I added the hot water and then the can then added the sugar and beer enhancer but I still had a little clumps. I haven't sieved this one as not another FV. Is there something wrong with the enhancer or is this normal and the clumps will get eaten up? I normally put sugar and enhancer in FV and then add hot water then add kit and only ever seen this clumps once before. any ideas or is this common
I normally add sugar and enhancer to FV first then add hot water and mix then add kit can. should I add only a small amount of water then rather than a full kettle ?
Try whisking it into COLD water . . . It'll mix with no issues and will not clump . . . The heat causes the clumping
Aleman said:
Try whisking it into COLD water . . . It'll mix with no issues and will not clump . . . The heat causes the clumping
I thought it was the heat so mix it in cold and then add to hot and it'll mix in ok ? I take it it's the beer enhancer that is the problem and not the brewing sugar ?
The hot water produces more water vapour, the DME absorbs water vapour and clumps . . . if you try and pour it in faster the DME hits the water sinks below it which coats the surface in water . . dissolving the DME on the surface and forming a 'shell' around the drier stuff inside . . . hence the clumping.

Using cold water the same process happens but much slower, which gives you time to get the DME dispersed into the cold water.

This is how I did it when I made up my Brewers Choice Kit
while its best to get it dissolved as long as the clumps are in the liquid and not stuck 2" above the level on the FV side it will dissolve eventually and the yeasts will get to it.

think about those hard sugar carbonation drops sold for bottling, never used em but seen em in the lhbs and they look like boilled sweets so if they dissolve in the small volume of a bottle, your clumps dont stand a chance ;)
