Cloudy mead

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Active Member
Jan 16, 2016
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After six months in their demijohns, my five batches of mead are nearing completion! I have passed them through a Vinbrite filter, three times, one for each grade of pad. However, the Traditional, and the Spiced mead are still a bit cloudy. I can't see any signs of fermentation, and the cloudiness hasn't been taken out by even the Premium grade filter. Is this normal, or do I need to add tables to clear, and filter again?

It's worth noting that these are the only two recipes that didn't call for fruit juice to added to the mix.

Left is Tradition, right is Ancient Orange and Spice.

No, nothing yet. Three demijohns came out crystal clear without adding anything.
Would it affect the taste?
I did 4 different gallons of mead last year to test/compare (in a few years :twisted:):
1) 4lbs set honey (supermarket) + Champagne yeast
2) 2lbs set honey + 2lbs runny hunny (supermarket) + Champagne yeast
3) 4lbs local honey + Champagne yeast
4) 4lbs local honey + Sauternes yeast

1&2 dropped clear on their own, and look/smell identical, 3 was clear but had a crust (wax, I think) and 4 stayed cloudy. I've added finings and they are now all sparkling clear (but 3 still has some floating bits on top).

Finings are awesome: even where it appears to be clear already, you get another level of clarity - I use Kwik Clear 2-part finings.
I used honey I bought from a commercial supplier, all from the same 20kg bucket.
I shall take a trip to the local brew shop and get some finings and give it a go. And get more filters to filter it all again...
I used honey I bought from a commercial supplier, all from the same 20kg bucket.
I shall take a trip to the local brew shop and get some finings and give it a go. And get more filters to filter it all again...

how much did that go for roughly ? or do you remember the company you got it from ?