Clibit's Ballsed-up Order Recipe Competition!

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Senior Member
Jun 2, 2013
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Firstly. Huge kudos to! My first order from them arrived today and I went into panic cos things were not as I wanted them to be! The good stuff was the arrival of a great bench capper for about £18 (I've been joyfully capping empty bottles :whistle: ) and a 500ml Erlenmeyer conical flask for making starters for about £4.50, both bargains! And getting small amounts of hop pellets, all foil/vacuum packed is a great thing for a small batch brewer.

The issues were several. Three actually. There were three issues, and the number of issues was three, and here, following a colon which will arrive shortly, are the three issues: Issue 1. the grain was crushed, I had asked for uncrushed in the comments box. Issue 2: The BIG issue - The 10kg MO was separate but ALL the other 7 types of grain were mixed together in one bag, 8kg in total! :doh: . Issue 3, the smallest and last issue - the PH testing papers I ordered were missing.

HOWEVER. I rang and left a message and they called back not long after. The woman I spoke to was lovely and fantastically helpful. None of the three issues was too big an issue. Even the BIG issue. She was helpful beyond the call of duty. I accepted some responsibility for assuming it would all be packed separately, a daft, clibit-like, mad assumption. :whistle:

The PH strips was straight forward. Out of stock, will be sent asap. The grain crush and the mix was down to me using the wrong system to order it. She said they should have queried it though, given the quantity and the grain mix, and not dumped it all in one bag. She told me that the fact I asked for uncrushed in the comments box would not reach the packers. I don't think the custom grain kit is designed for that option. So be aware, your grain will all be mixed together, and it will be crushed. She said they are still developing the custom grain system and there are still some, er, issues. But it's not designed to be used the way I used it, and I was daft to do so, I hold my hand up.

Anyway, the outcome - they are re-sending me the 8kg of grains, uncrushed and packed separately. How cool is that! I'm keeping the 10kg crushed MO, it's not a big deal, I'll use it pretty quickly. TOP result. :thumb:

Competition Time

So, I now have to work out if I can do anything with 8kg of mixed grain that is: 3kg lager malt, 2kg wheat malt, 1kg mild malt, 1kg Vienna, 250g carapils, 250g medium crystal, 250g dark crystal, and 200g biscuit malt!

It will make about 40 litres at 1046 ish OG. For a 10 litre batch it's:

Original Gravity (OG): 1.046
Colour (SRM): 9.6 (EBC): 18.9
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75

0.750 kg Lager Malt (37.71%)
0.500 kg Wheat Malt (25.14%)
0.250 kg Mild Ale Malt (12.57%)
0.250 kg Vienna (12.57%)
0.063 kg Carapils (Dextrine) (3.17%)
0.063 kg Crystal 145 EBC Medium (3.17%)
0.063 kg Crystal 240 EBC Dark (3.17%)
0.050 kg Biscuit (2.51%)

So, what could I make? Any suggestions? Just one recipe will do, I'm looking for one recipe using the above mixture, plus:
- other grains if you like, I have a pretty good variety of English grains in stock, plus Special B and crystal rye and roasted rye,
- any hops you like (for now, I may supply a list of hops below)
- a yeast from my unusually wide range in stock:

Wyeast 1469
Wyeast 1728
Brewlabs Somerset 1
Muntons standard ale yeast
Gervin Ale yeast
Young's ale yeast
Belle Saison
Safbrew S-33
Safbrew T58
Cooper's kit yeast

Prize: A bottle of the brew I make using your recipe! And/or a 1 to 2kg bag of the grain mix, if you want it, to make your own 5-10 litre simple AG batch, following these instructions:

I'll pay the delivery.

Post your recipes on this thread! Cheers. :thumb:
I think you could get away with an Amber/Ambrée Bière de Garde with that grist, maybe add some sugar.
Hop with Fuggles/EKG/Styrians, perhaps some Alsatian hops like Aramis if you have them on hand. Belle Saison fermented on the cooler side and lager it for a while. Maybe add some spices at end of boil and serve next Christmas (I had some fantastic festive-special spiced Bières de Garde last year)
as per your grain bill, but with 250g dark candi sugar. and 50g of tettnang at 30 mins. use a weizen yeast but if none then a t58 yeast, call it 'clibit's bonkers belgian bock.'

ta da!
Clibit I know nothing but I have learned that this forum is forever an experiment. I hope to learn but. If it were me I would use the lot add crystal rye because I like the name of it. Let's be honest it's all but free. And you will inform us all. I would brew from what I have read to a paler Lager side brew to begin with. Then I would invite us all to drink it. But as I said I know **** just loving the forum.

To add experiments like this are the way perfection is found. What is meant to be is meant to be.
Bit of a pickle this one!

Lager malt says blonde but too much caramel.
Wheat malt says wheat beer but only 25%.
Not enough mild Ale malt either.

My thinking was leaning continental too. Red Belgian Ale can take all the malts including the caramels and the lager maybe.

Never tried anything like this myself but how about.....
Add 75g cara red if possible.
Mash at 66 ish

Boil with saaz for 60min, 20 ibu.
Boil with halertau for 10min for 5 IBU.

Ferment with the T-58.
Your mixed-up malty mismatched mish-mash could end up as a whole new style that brewers for generations to come will try to clone... or at least it should end up drinkable :lol:

Definitely points toward something european, but given the running theme, why not just throw a bunch of hops you have lying around at it (US/UK/Eur). Don't worry about bittering at the start and aroma at the end, just mix all the hops in a bowl and add a bit at a time throughout the brew :wink:
Quite a lot of malt flavour in there. Should be quite toasty?

Scottish Heavy. 70/-:

Wyeast Edinburg,
Challenger & Admiral hops. 5g each because you like to use too much for the style. Leave any late additions to you.

The parameters for Scottish heavy...
OG 1035-1040 (1039)
FG 1010-1015 (1011)
IBU 10-25 (this is about 30)
Colour 17-33 (25)


Edit: Don't send me a bottle, not a fan of Scottish beer.
Great ideas and comments so far, cheers. I may well do some different 10 litre brews with this grain, and see what works out best. Getting into the idea.
My recipe is, Clibit make whatever you want, im sure it will be better than my usual kit fare.
Im just desperate to try a bottle of all grain before trying to convince my wife to dissapear for four or five hours and the kitchen will not smell ;)
I bow to your superior knowledge and appreciate your amazing kindness in advance for sending me this.
If for some supernatural reason i dont receive a bottle of said unmade beer,it was worrh a try (but you can expect a pm.and i will not go away!)
Good thread and effort mate.
I'll happily send you a bottle, pms, if you really want one. Just PM me when I post the bottling report.
I would be tempted to have a go at a Californian steam beer. Which is supposed to be a crisp lager like beer.

All that malty ness, with some biscuit and crystal. It won't come out like the style guidelines standard but I think if you've got a fermentation fridge with some WLP810 Californian common yeast that could be really interesting.
All you would need are some norther brewer/EKG or similar hops too. Just my two pennies worth [emoji6]

I'll swap you a bottle of my steam that's just bottled and conditioning in the conditioning fridge. Should be ready just in time for Xmas [emoji106]
I'm not likely to have mine ready for Xmas, but happy to swap. I won't decide what to make for a few days either. The suggestions so far are:

1. Amber Biere de Garde (I don't have Aramis)
2. Bonkers Belgian Bock - with Weizen yeast, Tettnang and candi sugar. Got none of these ingredients.
3. Add crystal rye and then choose my own hops and yeast.
4. Red Belgian ale with carared, Saaz and Hallertau, T58. I don't have the hops or the carared.
5. Mix some random hops and add randomly through the boil.
6. Scottish Heavy - Wyeast 1728, Admiral and Challenger (over-hopped!)
7. Californian Steam beer. WLP810, Northern Brewer/EKG (have both).
I'm still very new to all this and learning about the different ingredients bit by bit so the below could, and most probably will be a load of old arse. However:
I see that grain bill and minus the wheat I imagine it would make something like Brooklyn lager but on the darker side. So a wheaty darkish lager? Just had a quick look and that uses Willamette, Vanguard(never heard of that), Cascade, Hallertau and Saphir(again, not heard of that). I may be on my own here, but I think a caramelly, malty, wheaty, hoppy beer could be a delight!

Oooorr, a sort of dunkelweizenish? Though I'm not sure if it would be dark enough.

Not sure if this has actually contributed anything or is just the ramblings of a moron. :lol:
I reckon you could possibly make a dark mild (not that I've made one myself, but I have drunk them!). This would maybe be what I'd try anyway:

Original Gravity (OG): 1.046
Colour (SRM): 21
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 75

0.750 kg Lager Malt (37.71%)
0.500 kg Wheat Malt (25.14%)
0.250 kg Mild Ale Malt (12.57%)
0.250 kg Vienna (12.57%)
0.063 kg Carapils (Dextrine) (3.17%)
0.063 kg Crystal 145 EBC Medium (3.17%)
0.063 kg Crystal 240 EBC Dark (3.17%)
0.050 kg Biscuit (2.51%)
0.03 Kg Roasted Barley
0.05 Kg Chocolate Malt

Mash at 69c to leave a slighter higher FG.

20g Goldings for 60 mins
10g Goldings for 5 mins

(Or aim for 25 IBUs)

Wyeast 1469 or similar fermented cool (17-18c ish).
Looks good that too rodabod, we are talking 30g roast barley and 50g choc, yes? I think the grain mix does lend itself to red, mild, brown type ales. And could be made into a porter or stout with added dark roast grains. But I am open to suggestions and making something I wouldn't normally make too. There may be more than one recipe chosen from the suggestions.
Yes, 30g roast and 50g choc. Tried to see how much roasted barley would be required to hit 20 SRM, but I reckon it would taste too roasty.

The only reason that I thought "mild" was, I tried to imagine what adding all those malts together would taste like. You could always mash a mini wort of the original grist mix to see how it tastes and work from there!
I was never one for coming up with great recipe ideas :-( , normally i bloody ask you as my neighbour Duncan Bannatyne says im out :lol:

ps may i pm you for one for the free bottle of beer :whistle:
clibit mix'n'match
Batch Size: 10.000 L
Boil Size: 15.000 L
Boil Time: 60.000 min
Efficiency: 70%
OG: 1.048
FG: 1.012
ABV: 4.8%
Bitterness: 33.3 IBUs (Tinseth)
Color: 10 SRM (Morey)

Wheat Malt 570g
Mild Malt 285g
Vienna Malt 285g
Cara-Pils/Dextrine 70g
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 70g
Caramel/Crystal Malt - 70g
Biscuit Malt 57g
Lager Malt 857g

Total grain: 2.271 kg


Kent Goldings 5.5% 10g 60min
Fuggles 4.5% 10g 60min
Styrian Goldings 4.5% 15g 30min


Safale-05 fermented low

Let the good times roll!
Moo suggestions so far are:

1. Amber Biere de Garde (I don't have Aramis)
2. Bonkers Belgian Bock - with Weizen yeast, Tettnang and candi sugar. Got none of these ingredients.
3. Add crystal rye and then choose my own hops and yeast.
4. Red Belgian ale with carared, Saaz and Hallertau, T58. I don't have the hops or the carared.
5. Mix some random hops and add randomly through the boil.
6. Scottish Heavy - Wyeast 1728, Admiral and Challenger (over-hopped!)
7. Californian Steam beer. WLP810, Northern Brewer/EKG (have both hops but not yeast).
8. Wheaty darkish lager with Brooklyn lager hops
9. Dark mild with addition of RB and chocolate malt, Goldings and 1469 yeast.
10. Grains as they are, add Fuggles, Goldings and Styrian hops, US05 yeast.

It's getting tricky, there are several I really fancy doing. I don't have lagering facilities, unfortunately. But am working on assembling the bits for a brew fridge.