In my opinion to get the best from Citra, use a bit of northern brewer or northdown to bitter it off then wallop it at the end of the boil with Citra.
for 25 litres go with say
20gms of Northern Brewer or similar amount of Northdown at start of 90 min boil.
this will do the job of getting the bitterness.
then last 15 mins of boil....35gms of citra, then when switching off the boil bung another dollop of citra and let the brew rest for 20 mins or so.
after the 20 mins rest, chuck the chiller in and drop it to pitching temp. Use a good fruity yeast like WLP002 and let it chugg away.
The brew will smell delicious throughout the ferment and the aroma when brewed is brilliant. You will get grapefruit, melon and mango flavours dancing all over the place when sampled