Cider : How Long..........

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New Member
Feb 9, 2014
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I am very new to brewing but I have to say after just 2 completed wine brews and 1 half completed beer brew I am hooked. My question is around creating a decent stock of a range of items, which I and friends and family can enjoy year round, but balancing this against the most ideal quality timeframes, while making sure not to lose stock.

Thinking about cider only, or more accurately various ciders from the kits you can buy off the shelf, after completion, how long is usually best to wait before drinking the product after bottling and how long should I consider it lasts before it needs to be thrown away (using some form of erm.... sink *hic*).

I am trying to work out brewing windows for the likes of the summer period and the festive period as examples.
With Cider Kits off the shelf you could just use the guide from the instructions included in the kit itself, but if you have bottled the cider properly with an air tight seal, the cider will last a long time....I would drink mine within a year from bottling.
Mine is usually left 6 months before bottling then another year in the bottle I have some which are probably 2 + yrs old. :thumb: