Cider from Cloudy Juice

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Jul 8, 2009
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I see on here that most use consentrate has anybody made any Turbo cider from Cloudy Apple juice (not concentrate) and what recipe.
Yep, been there, done that. The last one was just the juice and a sachet of Young's cider yeast. Nothing else, I have added tannin in the past but I simply forgot and there was no difference in the final product. The cloudy juice seems to make a better cider than the cheap stuff.

The cider cleared just the same as one made from 'juice from concentrate', I like to leave it to ferment slowly in the cellar and it's ready to drink in a month or so, I inderstand some people like to drink it whilst still practically fermenting, but I like my cider clear and dry :)
Ok thanks will give it ago, if anyone else is interested Tesco have the apple cloudy juice (not concentrate) at 3 for £2.

What was your starting and end SG / alc content.
I used Aldi juice, OG around the 1.050 mark and fg below 1, abv around 7%. Adding sugar would be a folly, 2 pints are fine and the 3rd makes you sleepy. Best drunk in half pints :)
I made a batch on monday my first cider, used

4.? Ltr Cloudy Apple juice
150g sugar
1/2 packet of Youngs Cider yeast.

It started at 1.060 it's now at 1.018 and still bubbling away. It is still as cloudy as when I started shall I let it frement out completly or can I stop it around 1.000 for a slightly sweeter cider.

Whats the best way to hault cambden table / potasium / put in fridge?

How do I get it to clear.
Chris77 said:
I made a batch on monday my first cider, used

4.? Ltr Cloudy Apple juice
150g sugar
1/2 packet of Youngs Cider yeast.

It started at 1.060 it's now at 1.018 and still bubbling away. It is still as cloudy as when I started shall I let it frement out completly or can I stop it around 1.000 for a slightly sweeter cider.
Do either, but it will be easier to let it ferment out and then back sweeten

Whats the best way to hault cambden table / potasium / put in fridge?
Put it in the fridge for 24 hours at as low a temperature as possible, syphon your brew off of the sediment and add the recommended dose of campden tablets and potassium sorbate

How do I get it to clear.
If you want clear cider use clear juice ;)
If you really can't drink it cloudy. then add a double dose of pectolase and a dose of bentonite and wait :thumb:

On the last bit the pectolase and a dose of bentonite when should I add these. (pectolase should this not have been put in at the start)
Add the bentonite asap and the pectolase after fermentation has finished :thumb:
Yes ideally pectolase should be used before adding the yeast but a double dose usually works after everything else has finished :D
It will clear on its own. I hasten the process by racking off and adding a few camden tablets, usually clears down in a few weeks.

The fact it was cloudy juice does not imply that the cider will be cloudy.
I added a little bentonite and now have a load of sediment in the bottom, and it's getting clearer.

Its been going about 6 days SG was 1.064 now at 1.005 with a bubble every 5 seconds, is it best to let it finnish or stop it around 1.000 I'm after a dry/medium cider.
Are you expecting a carbonated or still cider chris?
If you want to carbonate you are going to have to ferment out and use an unfermentable sweetener such as splenda to get the desired amount of sweetness.
If you want still cider you can rack it off of the sediment now and add a crushed campden tablet and a tsp of potassium sorbate when its as dry or sweet as you want it to be :thumb:
Was going for a still cider, as I have just got a corny and co2 to have ago at force carbing.

Had a taste today and think I will leave it to tomorrow then rack and add campden and potassium, I assume then I just leave for awhile to clear before I then transfer to corny. When adding the campden and potassium is it worth cooling as well, after all of this if it needs to be sweetened do I have to use splenda or could I use normal sugar.
Best practice is to chill for 24 hours or more to get as much yeast out of suspension as possible, then rack and add campden and pot sorbate :thumb:
This way the stabilisers will have chance to do their work on a smaller yeast load and there will be less of a chance of fermentation re starting.
If you are going to force carb in a corny use apple juice to sweeten with to restore some flavour and aroma :D As it's going to be in a corny even if it does start to ferment again (unlikely) it'll be safe ;)