I made apple wine with a load of windfalls earlier in the year - got a 30litre tub, chopped up all the apples (cookers and eaters - bruises and all!) Covered them with water and added yeast, nutrient and pectalose - left it for three days giving it a good mash/stir couple times a day then strained through muslin cloth into DJ`s to each DJ i added 800grams of sugar dissolved in 250mls apple juice and then left to ferment out.
It was an experiment as i had a good sack of windfalls - the result was really good - a very cidery bouquet and a lovely refreshing 12% dry white wine - full apple taste to! I will definetley be brewing this again next autumn - its agood alternative to cider if you have no press and lots of free apples! I also made pear wine the same - which tastes a bit like pear drops!!!