Next update. Gravity still at 1.008 so have moved onto Crimbo-ising the brew.
Got about 4 pulped satsumas (had them in the fridge - see my other thread), a 500ml bottle of coopers alcoholic ginger beer, 3 cinnamon sticks and 10 whole cloves. Heated the whole lot on the hob gently just to stir together and try to release some flavours from the outset. Put this mixture into a fresh clean FV.
Racked via syphon from the first FV into the new one, onto the fruit spice mixture. Gave it a good stir as I did it to really mix all those flavours.
Sealed the new FV up and left overnight. Bit of a bulge in the lid this morning, I guess the sugars in the new ingridients fermenting a bit. Am going to leave it in a warm place for about a week then see how we're getting on.
Couldn't resist having a peek this morning though, smelt like christmas pudding! We'll see how it pans out.
Had a quick taste of the base brew as well, very nice. Not the strongest flavour (but has fermented to 4% according to readings) but I think a bitter I could drink a lot of in a short space of time LOL. Keeping fingers crossed it just gets better with the festive additions!