Christmas beer newbie

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Active Member
Nov 14, 2023
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Hi All!

Brand new here, failed attempt brewing 13 years ago decided now older have another go.

Going really well, got chardonnay, and merlot both set for Christmas and a lager of my own design (probably a bad idea) and a winter spiced cider.

I'm about to brew up a 40pts bitter kit and was given idea to separate into 4 fermenter and experiment flavours.

I'd love dome inspiration and advice on adding new flavours festive beers.

Thanks all
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I'd do just 10 pints or so as a winter beer and brew the rest as it should be as you risk making 40 pints of stuff you don't like!
In the past I've added some boiled Christmas spices to the fv....cinnamon,cloves,star anise.
I'd do just 10 pints or so as a winter beer and brew the rest as it should be as you risk making 40 pints of stuff you don't like!
In the past I've added some boiled Christmas spices to the fv....cinnamon,cloves,star anise.
Thats a good idea!, might separate wort to a larger and 2 smalls buckets the 2 smaller to experiment as I really don't know the impact of flavours can have so be good have a comparison.

For my own education, why is it advisable to boil spices in as to directly add to wort? Does it risk infecting wort? Impact yeast ability to fermentation or makes flavour over powering?