Cheshire Home-Brewer - Hi all!

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New Member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all!

I've been abusing this site and HBT for information and inspiration for the last 2 years or so.

Beginning 2 years ago with beer kits, (st Peters Ruby - Hambleton bard etc) I was initially quite content, but found that the kits tasted a little less impressive than i was hoping for. So searching for that "locally brewed real ale style" i began to do full boils of the kits, which meant I lost a little hop aroma/flavour and had to add fresh hops. Seeing as i was already adding ingredients, I picked up a partial grain kit from Pops in Coventry. This turned out ok, but I really wanted to compare it to all grain. I brewed a very pale blonde SMaSH beer with Marris Otter and Cascade. This beer blew me away, and blew all my previous beers out of the water, for taste, mouthfeel, smell, everything. Not the most complex beer i've ever tasted, but it really was so fresh and flavorful. I doubt i'll ever go back!

The other appealing aspect of this brewing obsession that is growing is the diy nature of the equipment. I've built a cupboard for storing my bottles and fermentors etc, created a boil kettle (fermenter bucket + 2 asda kettles + Ball valve etc). and am currently on a mission to turn a shelf of my Brubard (Brew cupboard) into a "son of fermentation" climate controlled fermentation chamber able to heat and cool. :electric:

All you guys and gals seem very nice, so i thought i should own up to being here, and get stuck in with offering any advice/help/opinions and getting feedback and help on my own projects from all you lovely brewers.

I know i'm welcome here. Thank you for your kind friendliness! :thumb:
Welcome to the forum :cheers:

For a fermentation cupboard your best bet is a fridge, tube heater and a STC1000 :thumb:
Hi, and welcome to the forum!

Where in Cheshire are you based?
If you are interested/available check out Brewdoo (on facebook and/or twitter) - this is the page for our new homebrew club based in the Chester/Warrington area. Our next meeting is at Kash 22, Church Street, Frodsham in a couple of weeks (14th July) if you are interested in coming down and sharing a few brews and mindless banter with like minded brewers!

Hi Ivor,
Brewdoo is no more, but some of the same guys (and a load of new ones) are still getting together as Cheshire Brew Crew. I posted the details on your other thread just now!
