Chemical taste to brew

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Margate, Kent
Brewed a version of Fullers Discovery from Graham Wheelers BYOBRA book several weeks ago and it has a really chemical taste and smell to it, and remains very cloudy, to the point of being virtually undrinkable. It almost tastes of the steriliser I used to clean the buckets and piping with. I did rinse everything out thoroughly before putting into a pressure barrel. I was usings Richies steriliser before with no problems, but used the Youngs version from Wilkinsons this time, which does seem more powdery

Anyone any idea of the likely cause? I have left it in a pressure barrel for 3 weeks now to see if this will get any better, but guess this might be one to put down the sink??
Did you treat your water with campden tablets?
Is it TCP taste or Phenolic?

Did you control your fermentation temp or just leave it in a corner in a bucket?
If the latter fermenting too warm can give you this type of fault.

I think I have had this once, however you may find the bad taste reduces quite a bit over time and becomes drinkable....