I was reading the other day that beer sales in supermarkets and pubs have gone down 6.5% in the last year. And, surprise surprise, home brewed beer sales have increased by 46% over the same period. 46%! It makes sense though, considering the costs.
my nearest home brew shop is 20 miles away so it costs as much in fuel as it does in postage if buying on line. I guess I'll just have to purchase in bulk to keep the postage down.
I resent the march of the supermarkets (and I'm as hypocritical as the next person about them) but I would welcome it if they started stocking brewing ingredients more.... I reckon it wont be long before they are on to the trend. It would be good to be able to go to my local supermarket and browse, whilst the wife does the unimportant shopping. I don't have a Wilkinsons nearby and Tesco direct still has delivery costs and a very limited range. Do you think they will get on to it?
my nearest home brew shop is 20 miles away so it costs as much in fuel as it does in postage if buying on line. I guess I'll just have to purchase in bulk to keep the postage down.
I resent the march of the supermarkets (and I'm as hypocritical as the next person about them) but I would welcome it if they started stocking brewing ingredients more.... I reckon it wont be long before they are on to the trend. It would be good to be able to go to my local supermarket and browse, whilst the wife does the unimportant shopping. I don't have a Wilkinsons nearby and Tesco direct still has delivery costs and a very limited range. Do you think they will get on to it?