Champagne yeast for cider?

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Active Member
Nov 27, 2013
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I've read a few people on here using champagne yeast for making cider. What are the benefits / differences.from using cider yeast? Drier?
Some = most. If you want good honest dry cider, use a bog standard champers yeast, I use youngs. If you want West Country stylee chuck in the dregs of a bottle of old Rosie near the end of the ferment and see what happens. :thumb:
No need. It's the lactobacillus that makes it stinky. Just use a champagne yeast to ferment then add the O.R. to inoculate with the bacteria. :thumb:

Saves faffing around growing up the O.R. yeast culture.
Old Rosie yeast actually is champagne yeast.

Callum has always had difficulty in culturing the yeast up hence just using the dregs to get MLF going. :whistle: :whistle:

Yup. Twice a failure. On the yeast part at any rate - never a bother with the bacteria!

I *really* need to get a package up to you GA. I've got beer and cider and yeast all with your name on...