CAUTION : Man Flu - Comfort Food Needed!

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Jul 27, 2008
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I have the dreaded 'man flu' so Mrs Wez is looking after me with some good old comfort food.

Toad in the Hole (cumberland sausage) with Leek Mash and Red Onion, Garlic and red wine gravy, followed by home made apple and plum crumble and custard.

I'll sleep well after that lot and a medcinal whisky...

What's your comfort food?
Get well soon mate!

I go for spag bol, apple crumble & custard, and a very long Laphroaig

:thumb: :cheers:
Get well soon Wez and milk it for as long as you can :D

Mrs Mc's home made rice pud or apple pie with custard
Oy ..... don't you come spreading the dreaded manflu round here :nono: it costs me a fortune in whisky, I mean medicine :whistle: to keep it at bay :!:
Wez said:
I have the dreaded 'man flu' so Mrs Wez is looking after me with some good old comfort food.

Toad in the Hole (cumberland sausage) with Leek Mash and Red Onion, Garlic and red wine gravy, followed by home made apple and plum crumble and custard.

I'll sleep well after that lot and a medcinal whisky...

What's your comfort food?

Cumberland Bangers & Mash with Onion Gravy + Hot Milk with plenty of Brandy :thumb:

Mrs C says that it will probably take you a while to recover :lol:
Jeezz Wez, you sound sick allright if you can eat all that lot :whistle:
You poor creature ;)
Get well soon, :thumb: my sympathy to Mrs Wez
Wez said:
I'll sleep well after that lot and a medicinal whisky...

What's your comfort food?
I'll agree with you about the sausage (decent quality, no sawdust) but prefer mine in sandwiches, granary bread, toasted on the outside, HP sauce.

Re. medicinal drinks, Rusty Nails please, a lesser quality single malt 1:1 with Drambuie.

Get well soon :thumb:
(unless you want to milk it for all it's worth)
Moley said:
(unless you want to milk it for all it's worth)
Of course he does, that's the whole point of having a co.., sorry man flu!

12 oz rare sirloine followed by creamy camenbert + bottle of heavy red.
Single malts as required then sleep.
Repeat as soon as symptons return!
Some Turkish Bread toasted under the grill rubbed over with a half garlic clove. Stilton Cheese and an IPA

Better than

Wez said:
Starve a fever and feed a cold :D

I was just going to quote that at you! Damn!

Comfort... Well I have so many! A nice thick cottage pie... or a lasagne, or caluiflower chees (on chips), or... or ... or

Arrgghhh. I can't decide!!!

Get well soon wez! :D
Hope you get better soon buddy, Mrs W is looking after you well, I'm sure you won't milk it... ;)

BB's confort food is scrambled eggs on toast and a Bovril drink, nowt fancy. :thumb:
Baz Chaz said:
Oy ..... don't you come spreading the dreaded manflu round here :nono: it costs me a fortune in whisky, I mean medicine :whistle: to keep it at bay :!:

When SWMBO has flu (a cold) she has a lemon and honey drink and in the past she has had a hot toddy using a bottle of whisky her dead gave her. However I came one home one Christmas to find my two little boys giggling and saying ' mummy has drunk your whisky'.

Well to my horror I found that she had run out of her whisky and used two fingers of my Islay Malt :eek: :eek: :eek:


Since she had commited a cardinal sin :nono: :nono: :nono:, I had no other option, yes I had to drink the remaining third of a bottle :drunk: . It had to be done otherwise she would have continued abusing that poor bottle.

The moral of the story is not to leave a bottle of Malt Whisky lying around, its not only angels who want a share, it is SWMBO :twisted: you have to be afraid of, stealing your Malt.
Baz Chaz said:
Please tell me she didn't put in in a toddy :cry:

You can tell why I am still upset talking about it two years later. :( :( .

In my defence I was at work. :pray: :pray:
Thats why my stock is kept out of the way :!:

fortunately Mrs C doesn't like whisky :thumb:

but if I keep my malts 'put away' it stops her handing any out to visitors :!:

miserhabul ghytte I hear you all cry :!:

not at all, visitors are welcome to a dram, as long as they appreciate what they're drinking :roll:
Baz Chaz said:
fortunately Mrs C doesn't like whisky :thumb:

Mine doesn't that's the problem, if she did she would commit such a sin. Mind you I think it is in the genes.

When we were first courting we went to the fatherland and visited Talisker and I bought a bottle for my father in law. The first thing he did on opening it was reach for the bottle of PEPSI :eek: :eek: :eek:

I hasten to add he has never been offered a whisky again.
graysalchemy said:
... using a bottle of whisky her dead gave her.

I'm trying not to read anything into that! :shock:


Good cure for a cold: 2 freshly squeezed lemons, double measure of Jamaican white rum - the 'real' stuff, spoon of honey and some grated nutmeg. Knock it down in one.

Maybe we should begin a new post with cold cures?