Cane sugar vs dextrose vs maltodextrin. Help needed, please.

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
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I have made by best tasting brew I have ever done. It was a coopers English bitter with a coopers beer kit enhancer that contained dextrose and maltodextrin. It stated that the dextrose will ferment out completely, with the maltodextrin not fermenting but adding to the overall flavour, etc. I am guessing that the reason it tastes so good is because I have always used normal house hold sugar, until now.

My question, however, is this.

The beer kit enhancer was quite expensive, at about £5. If I was to use glucose powder, just dextrose, would I end up with a product that is as good as this? All I want to get rid of is that horrible home brew taste, which this does not have. I assume it is not the kit, but the sugar and better yeast I used. Will the only downside be that I will have less flavour? Or will I get that home brew taste still if I only use dextrose and not the enhancer which contains both dextrose and maltodextrin.

Thank you.
No it is the maltodextrin which is adding the body and flavour the dextrose will ferment out like sugar just leaving alcohol. You could use spray malt or liquid malt extract.