Candi Syrup as Coffee Syrup???

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Apr 30, 2010
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I was listening to an old 'Basic Brewing Radio' yesterday about a guy that made his own candi syrup but bringing water and sugar and 'Dap' (?) up to a certain temperature. He then added more water to stop the cooking and dilute the mixture down. He then brough back up to 'softball' temp to make a syrup.

Got me thinking about making some home made coffee syrups like you get in Starbucks etc.
Anyone tried that?

I'm not sure I need the double cooking method this guy used. Surely just sugar, water and the appropriate flavouring would work??

Any tips?
I'm gonna do something similar to make a "Fruli" style wheat beer - a strawberry syrup added in the glass.

It's just straining and reducing really, like all cooking the better ingredients you use, the better flavour you will get.
I'd like to have a coffee syrup, just to pour on icecream and yogurt, but you rarely see it for sale. The local Morrisons do the usual coffee lacquers costing mega bugs, they also do Askeys and Lyles flavourings, but not in coffee.
According to info on the coffee forums, it's quite difficult to make. The problem with coffee is that it gets very bitter if you reduce it and boil it for any length of time. Weirdly, adding sugar doesn't combat the bitterness and you end up with a strange 'uncoffee' flavour.
Someone suggested try experimenting with syrup and one of the liquid coffee extracts - Bev or Camp Coffee but I don't know if this was successful.
I don't think it's possible to make a high quality coffee syrup at home. You may have success online - maybe one of those USA food outlets. Anyhoo, I wish you luck.
Instead of using COFFEE try using a mix of Malts. I made a COFFEE flavour VODKA using Malts and it has a real deep Coffee flavour.


It was meant to be a CARAMEL VODKA but came out as COFFEE :D now over a year old but im sure if you replaced the Vodka with water then added the Liquor to a syrup base it should work.