can too many hops slow conditioning?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2009
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just had a quick sample of brew i did 2 weeks ago and somethings not right

5.7k maris otter
350g wheat malt
150g roast wheat malt

10g pacific gem
10g bobek
10g cascade 90
20g cascade 15
20g cascade 5
20g cascade 0
15g cascade -5
15g cascade 80c steep 15mins

2 saf 04 1045 og 1010 fg 4.6%

right this stayed in fv for 1 week then to barrel for 1 week trouble is its flat and cloudy and tastes really sweet , i know its still early doors but usually brews have been drinkable at this stage , could it be something to do with banging lots of hops in late on ,out of curoisity ive just tried a bottle [bottled 20 put rest in barrell] and thats the same [primed with half a tspoon sugar,80g in barrell] thankfully theres no off flavours but this ones got me puzzled :wha:
barrell/bottles had 2 days at 18c after priming then moved to garage ,brought bottles back in house last night to see if that makes a difference