Can low Temps produce off flavours?

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Active Member
Apr 4, 2012
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First of all Hello. Secondly can anyone tell me wether low temps can have a detrimental effect on fermentation?
First of all, welcome to the forum :cheers:

Secondly, what are you making, what sort of temperatures are you talking about and what yeast are you using?

I understand that true lager yeasts work best at lower temperatures, but as I'm not a lager brewer or drinker I can't elaborate or advise on that.

Standard brewing or winemaking yeasts work best around the 18 - 22°C range. Above that they can produce off flavours because it stresses them and they make mistakes. Below that they will just slow down, you will get a clean fermentation but it will just take a bit longer.
Thanks for your reply. This is my first all grain attemp with all the equipment and kit from one of the sponsors. A few problems raised their heads such as low mash temp (57-60c) and finally fermentation temp of around 16c. At the moment (two weeks) tastes like licking lemons from a cats arse.
Hope it improves

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