Can I put finnings in the primary fermenter?

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May 21, 2011
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do I need to rack or can I add finnings to my beer in the primary vessel and give it a stir. a few wine kits I've had don't ask you to rack off and just put the finnings in the demijhons and stir so why is it important with beer ?
It would be easy to fine and then transfer to the keg saving myself a job in the middle .
any reason why this is not a good idea?
i have never had to use any finnings at all
once it has fermented in the bucket just transfer it to the keg without disturbing the sediment at the bottom
job done
yeah i know I don't need to use finnings but I want to clear the beer up so I can move the cornie around if I let it clear in the keg I can move the keg much and I have to wait again. I only have a small house so the missus moans if I have kegs around so i stash them away after I've finnished.
yes you can, i sometimes fine in primary especially when i am bottling my beer,i very carefully stir in some gelatine and wait a few days until bright,but if your kegging most people dont bother really!! :cheers: