Can a heat exchanger be used as a wort chiller?

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New Member
Jan 3, 2014
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I have a spare heat exchanger which looks very similar to the plate wort chillers seen in the homebrew shops.

So the question is, can it be used as one?? :wha:

All chillers are is heat exchangers so in theory yes but

Is it food grade?
Are the channels big enough for wort it's a bit more viscous than water.
What was it used for, are there any nasties lurking inside?

It would be a great help if you could strip it down and clean it.

Atb. Aamcle
Its brand new, never used for anything.

It dosnt say if its food grade. pretty sure its made for industial heating/cooling

The specs are online but it wont let me post the link as im a new member but if you search its a ALFA LAVAL CBH18

the only potential problem would be the braze since it's being used for HVAC....if they aren't anticipating food products being used then the braze might not be lead free.