Buying smaller quantities hops & grains

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Junior Member
Oct 4, 2012
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Hi all,
I'm interested in doing the Coopers recipe of the month - Midnight Mosaic Amber Ale.

Among other things, the recipe calls for 100g midnight grain (can only buy in 500g) and 25g of amarillo, centennial and mosaic hop pellets (can only buy in 100g. Also, anyone know where to buy mosaic hop pellets in the UK please?)

In an effort to save costs, i'm hoping somebody knows where I can buy smaller quantities from?

Grains are so cheap it's probably not worth selling in 100g bags. It's best to buy 500g and keep the rest for future use as once you start using grains you'll see the difference they can make!

Also Mosaic have a decent substitute which is Nugget. Mosaic is basically a Nugget/Simcoe cross.
Grains are so cheap it's probably not worth selling in 100g bags. It's best to buy 500g and keep the rest for future use as once you start using grains you'll see the difference they can make!

Also Mosaic have a decent substitute which is Nugget. Mosaic is basically a Nugget/Simcoe cross.

You're right, I mean the grain was £2 for the bag so not worth crying over to be honest.

Ah, i'll have a look into Nugget - thanks!

I've just googled mosaic hops - plenty of suppliers (mostly 100g bags) but hopandgrape do 12g bags (currently out of stock!)

I did find one as pellets, and that was 'the malt miller' - also out of stock
I've never come across hop&grape - in my searches and in general. But thankyou for the link, i'll save it and keep an eye on stock levels

Callum :)
Might be worthwhile getting in touch with them - just read it again and they say they order it when requested (8 day delivery time).
Aye I saw that bit, I emailed the malt miller and he said that they'd be getting some in in the next week or so. My friend has since suggested that, because he fancies the recipe, we split the cost and half the supplies.

I've bookmarked hop&grape for the future, seen some stuff on there I'd like to try using next time :)

I was quite concerned about buying more than I needed. I was more concerned with not using the left overs and having it loose it's flavour. I reached a stage where I had a bit of everything in the shed (including some base malt). This then turned into an obsession to brew a monster of a beer on a smaller scale. I bottled that batch over the weekend that it best described as an Imperial IPA and I cannot wait to try it.

My advise is to get some pale malt or DME/LME and create your own beer with the left over grain and hops. Have fun with it.