Burglary last night!

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:rofl: I was going for the savage Celt look!!!
Well done both of you. As an ex person in blue I would have no compunction to bat the living daylights out of the thieving scum. And justice is often served in mysterious ways. :thumb:
where abouts in mansfield are you mate im in oaktree and heard theres a fair bit of that going on round here now.
Well done. I like this story. It's nice to live in a place where neighbours look out for each other.
Well done for standing up for your neighbour when he was burgled, :clap: there aren't enough people who would do that!

Not sure what was going on at the house but if it involved green stuff or white stuff then the situation is all the more scary - not that all those people are bad people, just a good thing you weren't having tea round the neighbours when a rival gang (or possibly extremely unhappy customers) shows up. (If I've misread the situation, ignore me) As someone else pointed out its fortunate that the burglars knew the "right" house, that doesn't always happen, here at least. Hopefully your neighbourhood quietens down now!
graysalchemy said:
I remeber opening the back do to find a rucksack next to the back door. In it was screwdrivers tools and some bits of paper. On closer inspection the notes of paper where parole papers with the guys name etc :lol: :lol:

Haha! Most criminals do not turn to crime through a surplus of intelligence :lol:
falafael said:
UNBELIEVABLE!, They cam again last night, got in this time, beat the crap out the neighbour, this time there was 4 of them, and all i can say is, i did not expect to find out what i now know what they found in my neighbours!
Piddle, i think u may know!
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Let me guess, a room full of narbis plants?