This was my second brew, and lot more successful than the first.
OG 1061, FG 1006, brewed as per destructions. Pitched a bit high, at 29C, on 13th Sep, then kept steadyish around 18-22C, as I hadn't got my water bath / aquarium heater set up at the time. Dry hopped on the 1st Oct, bottled on the 3rd, after batch priming with 85g dextrose, managed to get 40 x 500ml. Didn't rack to secondary, so my gentle stir stirred up a bit of sediment. Lesson learnt. Couldn't resist a cheeky one on the 11th Oct, had cleared mostly but lots of raw alcohol taste and very yeasty. Tasted worse than the trial jar! Moved to the cold on the 16th. Tried it every week or so and showed only small improvements, until about 6 weeks after bottling when the raw alcohol taste started to subside and it started getting a decent head. Was still a bit yeasty, but crystal clear, delicious and lethal. I never really got the massive hop hit I was expecting, but it started to come through and the bitterness became more pronounced after 2 months in the bottle when the yeasty taste really receded. Now, after 4 months, it really is a spectacular brew. Light, fruity, refreshing. It just slips down, and you'd never guess it was 7.5%. Took a while to get there, but now I understand the hype. Wish I had more than my last 11 left.