Bulk conditioning vessel

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The Goatreich

Sep 30, 2011
Reaction score
Newport, South Wales
For the first time I'm going to try bulk conditioning my currently fermenting brew rather than conditioning in the bottles, as per Graham Wheeler's instructions. He suggests conditioning in a pressure barrel, but I don't have one spare at the moment, will I be ok racking into a 5 gallon Wine fermenter under airlock and leaving it somewhere cool (the shed) for around 3 weeks before priming and bottling? I'm a bit concerned about it's exposure to air after the racking.

Would it maybe be a better idea to rack after 7 days, so that there's still enough life left in the yeast to create a protective CO2 layer?
I bulk age in a glass carboy which holds about 5.5 USgal. I've done that as short as 7 days for dry hopping and as long as 6 months for a 12% Russian Imperial Stout. My normal time is 1 to 2 months in secondary. If the beer was not a high gravity beer, I don't re-yeast at bottling time. If it was, then I tend to add new yeast for bottling.

I don't add CO2 to the carboy and I've never had a problem with oxidation on those aged beers. I'm careful not to slosh it around much.
phettebs said:
I bulk age in a glass carboy which holds about 5.5 USgal. I've done that as short as 7 days for dry hopping and as long as 6 months for a 12% Russian Imperial Stout. My normal time is 1 to 2 months in secondary. If the beer was not a high gravity beer, I don't re-yeast at bottling time. If it was, then I tend to add new yeast for bottling.

I don't add CO2 to the carboy and I've never had a problem with oxidation on those aged beers. I'm careful not to slosh it around much.
I was looking to age OG/2 days in the secondary, meaning my current brew was 1.044, so I'd age for approximately 22 days.

I hadn't thought about re-yeasting, I guess I'll try it for this batch, and if it comes out flat then look into that again. I'd rather not overcomplicate unless I have to.
I left my last bitter brew in the secondary under airlock for over a month and it conditioned up fine without adding yeast. So 22 days will be fine.
Even if your beer "looks" crystal clear, there's still enough yeast in suspension to carbonate just fine within that first month or 2. I only reyeast if the yeast was stressed with high gravity or the beer sat for months.

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