I shall resist the urge (I know lots of you forumites wont be able to) to post something sarcastic and suggest just getting a blonde ale kit and using a portion of white table sugar along with the DME. The table sugar will dry the kit out and make it more lager like ( I'm doing something similar but with AG this eve, to make a pseudo lager) . If you want something as bud like as you can, that is to say quite bland I suggest the coopers blond ale, as from reviews I've read, it's quite a bland kit.
Also, I know you havent asked about it but I would buying a second pack of yeast and pitch both packs. This will supress ester production and give you as clean a ferment as possible with the yeast your going to use (unless you've got a lager fridge and can lager), which is another little trick of pseudo lagering