Bubbling's Stopped?!

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Active Member
Nov 19, 2011
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I posted on Saturday that I started my 1st ever brew which is St Peters Golden Ale.
The airlock started bubbling overnight Sat / Sun and has been merrily bubbling ever since.
Until that is tea time tonight when the airlock went quite and has been the same all evening.
The kit instructions says that fermentation takes 4 - 6 days but it has only been 2 days of action!
Is this normal? Does the bubbling stop before a couple of days before the brew is ready to bottle?
Is just two days of bubbling enough to get a good fermentation?

Loads of question I know but I really am a total novice.

Regards and thanks for any replies.

Does the FV have a totally airtight lid ? Have you got a hydrometer to measure the gravity of it ? Thatwould be a better way of knowing it had stopped fermenting than lack of bubbles as few FV lights are totally airtight and most will let a little gas seep out without it showing on the airlock .

You do want to let it ferment out mate ,and depending on instructions/confidence maybe rack it off the sediment and let it rest before bottling .
My first brew behaved similarly, plenty of action in the first 2 days then it quietened down. Mine achieved final gravity after 4 days and was bottled on the 5th.
Another question guys.

Today is day 5 and the kit says the beer 'should' be ready to bottle between 4 - 6 days and when a hydrometer reads 1014 or lower. So I took a hydrometer reading which said 1014, I also noticed some of the yeast I pitched on day one still on top of the brew resting on foam which had not fully dissipated. So I gently pushed the yeast into the brew and resealed everything.

The airlock is now bubbling away again, not as vigorously as day 1 & 2 but still bubbling! I am guessing what has happened is that the yeast I pushed into the brew is reacting and causing more fermentation, am I right? If so how much lower will the SG go? And how much longer should I leave it.

Once again thanks for any replies.
Regards to you All FB
fatbelly said:
Today is day 5 and the kit says the beer 'should' be ready to bottle between 4 - 6 days and when a hydrometer reads 1014 or lower.

Instructions on brew kits are usually over optimistic when it comes to bottling times. If you are fermenting at a slightly lower temperature, it will take longer to bottle, and visa versa.
If you leave it well alone for at least another week, the brew will have time to clean itself up of left over yeasties resulting in a clearer brew when bottling. This will then leave less yeast at the bottom of the bottle when pouring.