Brooklyn Brown Ale - recipe comments

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Nov 19, 2011
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Had a pint or two of Brooklyn Brown Ale last night and it was lovely. I'm trying to put a recipe together along the same lines and, having read this on their web-site...
Brooklyn Brewery said:
A blend of six malts, some of them roasted, give this beer its deep russet-brown color and complex malt flavor, fruity, smooth and rich, with a caramel, chocolate and coffee background. Generous late hopping brings forward a nice hop aroma to complete the picture.

Malts: British Two-row Malts, Belgian Aromatic Malts, American Roasted Malts
Additions: Contains wheat
Hops: Willamette, American Fuggle, Cascade
I've come up with the following;

4300g Maris Otter
500g Crystal 120
300g Aromatic Malt
150g Wheat Malt
100g Roasted Barley
100g Chocolate Malt

40g Fuggles 60mins
25g EKG 15mins
20g Cascade 5mins
20g EKG dry-hop 7 days

US Ale yeast
23L, 5.6% ABV, 26 IBUs

What do you reckon? I've never used Belgian aromatic malt before... is 500g (10%) too much? Maybe I should go for an American yeast?

Edit: recipe updated after suggestions below.
I use aromatic malt in a few of my beers. I think at most I've used 500gm. Usually it's around 250gm.

I think the EKG will get lost behind the Cascade. The very first incarnation of my American Amber used EKG and Cascade and I got none of the EKG character.

I would use an American yeast as well. Brooklyn Brewery has their own house strain but you would be fine with WY1056 or US05.
Thanks for your reply. I swapped Willamette for EKG (they're apparently similar and I have the latter) and could dry hop with EKG rather than Cascade to allow that to come through (?). I may swap the quantities of crystal and aromatic malt too. US yeast is a no brainer I guess.
It certainly won't hurt to use EKG. Cascade just tends to dominate other more delicate hops. But for an American ale, absolutely appropriate.
jonnymorris said:
Thanks for your reply. I swapped Willamette for EKG (they're apparently similar and I have the latter) and could dry hop with EKG rather than Cascade to allow that to come through (?). I may swap the quantities of crystal and aromatic malt too. US yeast is a no brainer I guess.
what is aromatic malt... i am little bit confused due to it. :hmm:

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