As an addition to this thread, my Brewzilla 3.1.1 1900w element stopped working.
Thought it was needing a replacement element but they are an integral part of the 'Zilla, so it was looking like a scrapper.
I asked on some Facebook group (American) and someone suggested swapping the switches over between the 1900w and the lower wattage one.
Bingo! Turned out it was just the switch, even though it illuminated as normal.
£9.99 on Ebay, all sorted.
RS sell mica heating elements in a range of powers (400W - 2kW) & sizes. The 1kW measures100x200mm.
They are designed to be bonded to a flat surface, usually a metal plate is used to clamp it down, often with thermal paste under.
Mica is fairly fragile. Sheet mica is often seen used in microwave ovens.
Given enough room, rather than just one full power element, using 2 or 3 lower power ones would spread the heat much better.
Mica elements would have to be underneath the base, as not waterproof. So you'd need to be sure the base is solid (and not too thick).
The bz g4, base has a lower thin cover plate underneath, that's obviously not the place to mount an element.