Brewlabs - Yorkshire 1 & 2

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Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score
Near Leeds
I have recently purchased yeast slopes from Brewlab - I bought the Yorkshire 1 and 2.
Has anyone used either of these yeasts?
If so, how did things work out? What sort of flavour profile did they produce?
Anything to be wary of....e.g. rousing or explosive fermentation?

Thanks in advance.
I used #1 a while back to make a Tetley clone, as long as you make the starter correctly you should have no worries - The fermentation is well behaved and lasting. IMO this is a very good yeast.
I've used Yorkshire 2 once, brewday is here

Knowing what I do now, I think I underpitched which might explain the smelly fermentation. The beer tasted fine though. I wonder whether one or both of those strains might need rousing (i.e. might be for yorkshire squares), best thing to do would be to ask brewlabs.
Expect it to be stubborn, not to commit to anything and have dry sarcasm :lol:

One things for certain, it won't waste a thing.