Brewing short

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Sep 6, 2011
Reaction score
Clayton lee Moors
After purchasing some brew buddy lager kits at a silly price. I've tried something different with the second one. I've made it up to only 19 litres and used approx 400grams brown sugar and 500grams White sugar, gota be honest I didn't check the SG. Any thoughts on the out come. How does brewing short effect the taste.
your sg will probably be around the 1.040 - 1.045 mark, obviously using less water will give it a bit more body and as you have only added 900g instead of the usual kilo of sugar it should help improve it, the general feeling is that sugar leaves the beer thin whereas spraymalt will improve the body. unsure of how the 1/2 kilo of brown sugar will affect the taste if any, might have been worthwhile going for a full kilo of brown sugar.
hope it goes well , keep us updated.
Thank you for the feedback I've only just checked the post. I've got a be honest the sugar content was, let's say weighed by eye. So I dont know how that will effect it. I'm still half debating adding water once it has finished. Are they any other ways of adding body to a kit??

I will keep you updated
If you got them cheap then why not double up the cans instead of the sugar! Should turn out a lot better!
simonkidder said:
Thank you for the feedback I've only just checked the post. I've got a be honest the sugar content was, let's say weighed by eye. So I dont know how that will effect it. I'm still half debating adding water once it has finished. Are they any other ways of adding body to a kit??

I will keep you updated
if you add liquid malt extract or dry malt extract (spraymalt) that will help. some people have made ,made the normal 23 litres but used 2 cans of the kit instead of one. if you search the forum ( top right of the page) for 'toucan kits' you should stumble across a discussion or 2.