Some good points :thumb: I have thought about this a little more :wha: but Im not sure Iv come up with the right answer yet :wha: its true that heat transfers more efficiantly with a slower flow, but if there were no flow the coolent would reach the same temp as the wort, & the wort would not cool down so the key to the cooling must be the flow which carries the heat away, hence the hot exhaust coolent! My chiller has the cold water entering the bottom (I could start another discusion about this) & I have noticed that the wort cools at the bottom of the copper more quickly than the top & I keep the chiller running during the run off to fermenter, the best method to employ though impractical would be to use an inert gas such as nitrogen from a presurised vessel through the chiller as the presure drops from high to low the tempreture would drop dramatcally well below freezing.