Brewferm Tarwebier alterations query

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Jan 26, 2012
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Hey guys.

Picked up my Tarwebier kit today. Looking at making it on Thursday morning when I can get a couple of hours before work... So, I was looking at getting it as close to hoegarrden as possible... Looking around, seen quite a few different suggestions... Now, my query is, should I go for marmalade or orange peel?! Have seen somewhere someone suggested using this:

Search for "2054469"

They suggested using 1 tablespoon in the boil along with the coriander.

This adds the next question?! Corainder seeds crushed, or already crushed coriander powder?!

Decisions. What have others done?

Also, my idea was to use 500g wheat DME, and make 350g worth of candi sugar sugar, making it medium colour... Brewing to standard 15l...

All suggestions appreciated :)
hi i used 28g of orange peel popped in the oven to make it bitter (28g after oven more needed to obtain this from fresh) and i also used 28g of cori seed , crushed using a tea towel and a rolling pin both in boil around 5 mins at the end of the boil , im currently drinking this and its great , very close to hoegaarden i even like mine better , i also used wlp400 belgian wit ale yeast , just done another batch in fermentation vessel at mo :)
Thanks for that. Will pop to the shop on way back tonight and pick up stuff.

Is that for a 23l brew? Add mine will be 15l. So might need to cut back a little.

Also, do you add them in a muslin bag and put the bag in fermenter? Wonder how much will differ since is a kit beer, not AG like yourself...

Made the Candi sugar this morning. A little darker than I wanted it to go, but think should be ok... :-?

I did a rather nice AG hoegarrden clone that came out pretty close to the original. I'll look it up at some point. I used zest of about 4 lemons, 4 crushed cloves and about 200gm of Seville Marmalade. I think Seville Oranges are the way forward with any Wit bier?

In the end, I went with the seville orange marmalade kit thing. 1.5tbs plus 1.5ts of ground coriander, as I already had the dried coriander in the spice rack... Boiled for about 10 mins, then added to the kit. Tasted very sweet when I tried it, but hopefully will all come out nice when finished...

Fancy trying pitsy's (think it was yours) extract recipe I saw posted the other day when this is finished. So will try and get on with that in a month or so...

Gotta have a bit of a slow down, as missus moaning loads about all my brewing! Women ... wish she enjoyed a drink sometimes ... but then again, saves on the taxi fares ;)

OG Was virtually spot on. Ended up at 1.051...

Some piccies:



Had a quick looksie this morning. Looks like this of write a violent ferment again like my stout?!


Is this all ok? Quite glad was only 15 litres, considering how high the head went (is that normal for this brew?).
Glad I looked at this right now as this would have popped my 15l bucket, so I'll wait to use the bigger bucket.

What fermentables have folks tried with the Tarwebier? Should I get some spray wheat extract instead of normal dextrose?

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