Brewferm kit - brew stalled

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Mar 4, 2021
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I'm fermenting a BrewFerm 12l extract kit - Dunkel Bock. As recommended I added 500g DME. The OG was 1.054; target FG is 1.005. Things seem to have stalled around 1.018. I have upped the temp a bit, added extra yeast and stirred. Anyone done one of these kits before and had issues getting their FG. Also will DME affect target FG as the instructions suggested sugar and I wonder if DME is not as fermentable? Thx.
will DME affect target FG as the instructions suggested sugar and I wonder if DME is not as fermentable? Thx.

In a word: yes.

DME is less fermentable than regular sugar, which is a good thing because it results in a higher FG and more body in the beer. I have never made a dunkel, and I don't know what the yeast is like, but I seriously doubt an all malt beer with an OG of 1.054 is ever going to get as low as 1.005. That would be something like a 90% attenuation rate. 1.018 is a 67% attenuation rate, which is probably on the low side for the style. Are you sure it has stopped? How long has it been fermenting?
In a word: yes.

DME is less fermentable than regular sugar, which is a good thing because it results in a higher FG and more body in the beer. I have never made a dunkel, and I don't know what the yeast is like, but I seriously doubt an all malt beer with an OG of 1.054 is ever going to get as low as 1.005. That would be something like a 90% attenuation rate. 1.018 is a 67% attenuation rate, which is probably on the low side for the style. Are you sure it has stopped? How long has it been fermenting?
Hard to tell about the yeast....used the pack that came with the kit. Chucked in some Midland I had spare to see if it started again but nothing. Has been in the FV for 9 days and ispindle has flat lined for a few days. I generally leave the beer for 2 weeks before bottling so will let it sit until next week. It did strike me as a very low FG target. Thx for your reply👍
If you throw in the yeast that late into fermentation I don't think that alone is going to do much. I would leave it a few more days. It might creep down a bit.
If it's any consolation, mine just did the same, stopped at 1018. The same Brewferm kit I've brewed for the last 11 years, they must have changed the yeast or something because every other one dropped to 1010/12 and they're usually very reliable. I have temperature control too.

I've never seen any beer I've made go as low as 1005, and that's 277 brews. Some lagers have made it down to 1008.

DME should get lower than 1018 though, I brew with it regularly.
If it's any consolation, mine just did the same, stopped at 1018. The same Brewferm kit I've brewed for the last 11 years, they must have changed the yeast or something because every other one dropped to 1010/12 and they're usually very reliable. I have temperature control too.

I've never seen any beer I've made go as low as 1005, and that's 277 brews. Some lagers have made it down to 1008.

DME should get lower than 1018 though, I brew with it regularly.
Thanks for that. Good to know it's similar to yours👍
Maybe your iSpindle is incorrect.

Is it only me who has never had a stuck brew?
I tend to just use ispindle to track when things have flat lined, or if things aren't looking great. I took a sample for the hydrometer to check. The majority of my brews hit the target gravity, tho non of them are ever as low as 1.005 😂. Will bottle next week and hope I haven't infected it my messing around. 🍻🍻

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