Brewferm Diablo FG??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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I'm doing a brewferm diablo at the minute, it's been in the FV for 13 days now. The gravity has been at 1014 since last week and it hasn't moved from then.
I would have expected this to go a bit lower given that its meant to come out at 8% ABV - Anyone done this kit?
Yes, I've done it a couple of times. It never quite got down to the 1010 - usually around 1012 or 1014.

Seeing as you've had a stable SG for a week, I'd be inclined to go ahead and bottle. Perhaps reduce the priming sugar just a tad and leave it to mature.
Fair enough - I'll start crash cooling tomorrow. Bit disappointed this isn't going to reach the strength it's meant to.
Any sense in trying another yeast?
I think that if it did anything, it might totally change the characteristics of the beer you have brewed, which would be a shame. Belgian yeasts tend to produce a high level of esters which give the beers their fruity characteristics. If S-04 ended up 'cleaning those up', it would be to the detriment of the beer.

Diabolo is designed to be very much in the style of Duvel - one of the world's great beers. For the sake of a few gravity points (and as far as I am concerned, the strength of a beer is secondary to its taste - and I'm a pisshead), I would urge you to leave well alone.
Just tried a bottle of this at the weekend - really good, highly recommend this kit
this post is good timing. I'm starting this one in a few days- starting their grand cru tomorrow cos my tripel will be done in the fv!!

wot sugars did you guys use at the start?
philip5660 said:
bog standard brewing sugar if my memory serves me correctly

rito- I was recommended Lyles Golden syrup if I couldn't get candi sugar. I believe that's cos the syrup is partially inverted (wotever that means?!)- candi syrup is inverted (i think)

anyway, wot do you belgian experts think bout using that instead of other kind of sugar?