Brewday from hop plant to pint (with pics)

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Mar 25, 2012
Reaction score
Sunny South East London
Thought this might make a nice twist on the normal brewday post & will be updated as time goes on.

My planned recipe can be found here:

But here it is anyway

Hopping Hare - 23 litres

Badger Hopping Hare

Batch Size (L): 23.0
Total Grain (kg): 4.550
Total Hops (g): 130.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1044
Final Gravity (FG): 1011
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.32 %
Colour (SRM): 6.4 (EBC): 12.6
Bitterness (IBU): 37.4 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 70
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill

4kg Maris Otter
300g Wheat Malt
250g Caramalt

Hop Bill
60 mins: 30g First Gold (7.9%)
10 mins: 30g Cascade (5.5%)
10 mins: 20g Goldings (7.2%)
Flameout: 30g Cascade (5.5%)
Flameout: 20g Goldings (7.2%)


Only the Challengers have done well this year,but I managed to pick & dry enough First Gold for the recipe.

So after a quick picking the dehydrator has been filled and set @ 40'c for 6 hours-I rotate the trays every hour or so to get an even finish through the hops. I could have left them a little longer,but wanted to get them picked before the rain sets in.

After drying the hops get vac packed & into the fridge or freezer for storage. Here are the First Gold dried & packed

Will wait for the weekend to get a brew on.

I would welcome any tips or suggestions from others that are growing their own hops.
They really are a vigorous plant-if any of the bines touch the ground they will put down roots. Managed to give a pal some plants this way & they seem to be going great guns So if you know someone local with some hop plants they will probably be glad to help you out.
Pretty much going with the recipe above with the addition of some aromatic malt.

First Gold ready to go:

Grain bed just before sparging:

First runnings were a bit mucky:

Wort up to a rolling boil,hops in:

10 min additions:

Flameout & 0 min additions

In the FV,well aerated:

Got the volume right,but only got 1043 for gravity.


Pulled a few pints from the keg already. Its clear & carbed & suits me down to a tee.Will keep one bottle back to age for research purposes.Photo doesn't really do justice-Vossy is visible through the glass from 3 feet away & further.

In total that was 19 days from picking to drinking. TBH its ridiculously young by the normal rules of conditioning (1 week per % ABV),but there were a lot of Cascades at the end of the boil & not a whole lot of bittering hops.

My First Gold plant didn't do particularly well this year,but I'm more than pleased with the one brew I will get from it. Will be going for an all homegrown Challenger brew soon,on the back of this don't think I will be disappointed.
bobsbeer said:
Looks great. :thumb: when you said plant to beer I expected to see you out harvesting and malting barley as well. :lol:
bit harsh bob :tongue:

interesting post like it :thumb:
Thanks JonnyD, glad you enjoyed the post. Its always interesting to me to see what other brewers are doing-we all have something different to show.

Bob's comment-harsh? Not at all-made me think "he's got a point!". Jolly banter & nowt more.
I just got an allotment so next year I will start growing - I hear the first couple of years are light on flowers but I in it for the long game :)

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