Brewday 20 Feb 2010 : Big Kenny

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Jul 27, 2008
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Having not brewed since September I thought it's about time I tested the new thermobox tun.

I'm mashing a Big Kenny at the moment.

Target OG may be a little off as i'm not sure what BHE I'll have with the new set-up. I'm going to sparge right down and see what I end up with, will probably go back to using the sugar points system then but interested to know what I will get this time.

Target FV : 60L
Target OG : 1.050
Target IBU : 30
90 min mash 66c
90 min boil

Pale 97%
Crystal (dark) 1.5%
Roasted Barley 1%
Choc Malt 0.5%

Bittering with Challenger, Bobek for Aroma
So much for enjoying a quiet brewday :roll: spent most of the brewday on the phone sorting out problems for work, being on call is no fun :(

The brew went quite well, need to think about one or two things before the next brew to make things a bit easier. But pleased to have 70L of 1.048 Big Kenny in the Thermobox about to start fermenting. Used Nottingham.

Took a few pics but not as many as i'd have liked because of other distractions.

Grain Bill (12.5 kg)

End of the Mash, still loads more room in the Thermo

Sparging and Pumping to Boiler

Challenger Bittering Hops

Wort Transferred via PHE to Thermo which is acting as a FV

Trub Left in Boiler
Despite your work commitments looks like you had a good brewday Wez.
Shinies look good in action, I must read up on Bobek
Would love to brew to that length :thumb:
Looking good Wez :thumb: Must be a great feeling after all that time off :clap: Hopefully you`ll have time for some more pics next time :cool:
I know you said that you wouldn't be brewing until Feb, glad it went ok aprt from the distractions.

Hope to try some from the latest setup.

:thumb: :thumb:
Checked on this tonight, it's sat at a steady 18c now and is down to 1.020 :thumb:

Smells figgin lovely :D
Sod the flake Wez will have a jug in it soon, It's young enough for him to drink it! :lol: