Brewbuddy Cider. Add pear juice?

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Active Member
Mar 19, 2009
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I have been told that it is possible to substitute some of the sugar for apple juice.
Would it taste like a pear cider if I use pear juice? The logic is there, im just wondering if it will taste OK.
Cider = alcoholic beverage made from apples :thumb:
Perry = alcoholic beverage made from pears :thumb:

Pear cider = From the diseased mind of some advertising/marketing gremlin and doesn't really exist :twisted: :roll:

Rant over :lol:

You can of course add any fermentable that you like to replace the sugar :thumb: but if it will taste ok :wha: all I can say is try it :thumb:
Haha, I didn't know that lol.

With that said, brew buddy cider obviously has apples in the kit. Is it possible to not use a kit, just add lots of pear juice, so its all pear?

I know this is a long shot, as kits I guess have other stuff in them as well.

If not, can I buy a perry kit?
can't see why not, then again, pear juice is something you don't see on supermarket shelves..well, i haven't noticed any, but if you did, then you could always make a turbo perry!
Yes it's possible to ferment pear juice into perry :thumb:
Unfortunately getting the right kind of pear juice is the problem :( I have not heard of anyone successfully producing a perry from juice :(
Fortunately kits are available :party: CLICKY
tubby_shaw said:
Cider = alcoholic beverage made from apples :thumb:
Perry = alcoholic beverage made from pears :thumb:

Pear cider = From the diseased mind of some advertising/marketing gremlin and doesn't really exist :twisted: :roll:

Rant over :lol:
Glad it's not just me wot's noticed that. :evil:

Calvados = alcoholic beverage distilled from cider :party:

Do not try this at home :nono: