Firstly, :thumb: to starting your business, and by hitting this and other forums (admin permitted of course) should aid you in R&D.
Secondly, although your website is crispy clean like a fine pint, it is lacking in some important features, regarding internet SECURITY. Now I highlight that word security because it's a dirty word to most.
1 pointer: if you can, have the https phrase throughout the website, this or a padlock which is on the address bar is first indication to customers that their info is secure. It must be highlighted in green mind.
Next you really should have more info about your company on the home page, ie what your about how you started etc (a short story).
Payment methods, delivery and returns policy should be on the home page also even if it is a link to a different page.
Consider different payment methods such as paypal, it's common through out the internet and secure, and customers feel safer using it.
Thirdly, on your store page it's clear your just starting out, you could add that fact and mention that as you grow so will your stock.
I noticed you sell at market, you could advertise this on your website HOME page. You may find locals make a visit to see you, allowing you to put a friendly face to your business.
Notice how I say home page a lot? Back it the old days (I'm 32 by the way) you could tell how someone keeps there home by their front garden, that's why my grandad use to compete with his neighbours :whistle: moral! your home page sells you! Which in turn sells your products.
I would like to add that, I am not a web designer. Nor do I run any kind of business.
In fact I am just a humble sailor in the Royal Navy, which happens to administer IT systems onboard a submarine.
Hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts with you.