Brew Monk 30L controller fault?

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Active Member
Jul 7, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,

My Brew Monk 30L has developed a fault.

I've had it a year and probably brewed with it a dozen times or so with no problems but today as I was heating the mash water it kept switching off as if it had reached temperature when it hadn't. I restarted it a couple of times (the controller was still lit and visible) but the same thing happened. I unplugged it and left it a while in case that helped and turned down the element to see if that would help but neither did. The last time I put it on the controller just flashed rapidly on and off with no display visible and it make a ticking sound. It's never got wet but I checked the PCB bay underneath and everything is bone dry and securely connected. I've packed away the grains and put the treated water in a fermenter in the hope I can get it going but it's not looking good.

Anyone had similar problems or have a suggestion as to what it might be/how I can fix it?


Contact the seller, they have a 3 year warranty. Also you have consumer rights, 1 year is not a reasonable amount of time for a appliance to last.
Hi LeeH,

Yes I've emailed 'Get Er Brewed' but don't suppose I'll hear anything back till Monday. I was just hoping it might be a problem someone on here had encountered for which there was a simple fix. It's actually just under a year old so hopefully they'll sort it with no issues.