Brew length questions

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Apr 30, 2009
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I have only brewed 23litre brews (apart from one 33litre ish brew :? ) my tun can hold around 8kg of grain with 20litres of water so i`m slightly limited with the grain bill amount - I want to brew a 46litre honey ale, it will be roughly 7kg grain and 1kg honey - this will bump the abv to 4%. My question is probably an easily answered one - :oops: - if i sparge 7kg of grain for a longer brewlength do I sparge more or just add more treated water to the boil or at the end? I`m confused because i`ve used this amount of grain for a 23litre (strong brew) and have collected around 28 - 30litres and the last runnings are right down to 1010 or lower - so if i need to collect double the sparge won`t be collecting any more fermentables ? Right or wrong :cry:

Help :lol:
Rick i have brewed with the same set up as you have.....

I Sparge with all my brew liquer from the HLT....

Runnings go to about 2 brix.... no off flavours....

If your Tun is from H&V you can use 10KG of Grain and use as much water as possible in the tun...
cheers bones - will be doing 46litre in a fortnight - 23litre trial honey brew on today :thumb: