Brew beer without finings

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Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
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Hi I have just started a brew from Brupacks Fixby gold. This does not contain finings in the pack. I thought that that was essential. The brewery puts large it in then a further large amount (according yo Dave Line) before shipping it. Any thought on this and what would be the best to use.

Also when I went to buy this I asked for a beer kit that produced a redish beer. He looked at me in total astonishment. Beer is yellow. A lot of beers are these days but you can get red looking traditional beer but he does not appear to have heard of it. I remember Watneys Red Barrel. Are there any kits like this?

otuatail said:
This does not contain finings in the pack. I thought that that was essential.

I've never used finings and never had a problem. But im sure someone on here has a better more indepth comment then that. :cheers:
Finings are not essential to brewing beer (such as isinglass and geletine) and given enough time yeast should drop out of it's own accord.

However, there are times when finings are useful; such as when yeast struggles to drop out of suspension or if you need bright beer quickly.
I only ever fine if I am pushing to bottle. I find leaving the FV on a cold concrete floor ie Garage for about a week will clear it fine. Even if you bottle slightly cloudy it will clear in the bottle with a little time (though you will have more sediment than usual).
I've never used auxillary finings and have had pretty clear beer for the most part.

Do you have copper finings (irish moss or whirlfloc/protofloc)?

edit: Sorry you are talking about a kit. No need for copper finings, my bad.
If using finings before bottling, is it still possible for the beer to carboante? Or do finings remove all yeast from suspension?

I am considering using finings in future to reduce sediment in bottles.
I've just made a Fixby gold and it cleared in the bottle within a week without finings.
I racked twice at weekly intervals for two weeks and there is still a fair amount of sediment in the bottles.
shearclass said:
If using finings before bottling, is it still possible for the beer to carboante? Or do finings remove all yeast from suspension?

I am considering using finings in future to reduce sediment in bottles.

No it does not remove all yeast in suspension. Enough yeast will be left behind to carbonate your beer :thumb:
paulpj26 said:
No it does not remove all yeast in suspension. Enough yeast will be left behind to carbonate your beer

Cool, so would you reccomend using finings for this purpose? Do they alter the taste of the beer at all?
Well you could either leave it in the primary fermenter longer to let more yeast drop out or you could do what I do:

I add the finings to the the bottling bucket (or pressure barrell if your me :D ) transfer the beer and leave it for 48 hours to clear, prime and then bottle. I find that I get very little sediment in my bottles by doing that.

No it won't affect the taste of the beer

Hope that helps :cheers:

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