OK this has had exactly a month in bottle and is now good enough I feel it worth sharing the recipe (and it should improve further)
Of course unless you have a load in your freezer you'll have to wait until next year to make this, but hey.
Making 3 gallons (in 3 demis)...
2013-09-01 6kg of blackberries and 70g of blackcurrants mashed in 5l boiling water, Campdened.
2013-09-02 Pitched yeast (Ritchies Burgundy), 3tsp nutrient, 3tsp pectolase
2013-09-07 Strained to demis, 1tsp tannin each, more pectolase and nutrient JIC, to each demi added 1lk sugar dissolved (ish) in warm water.
2013-09-12 Added 300ml AJ (each demi)
2013-09-13 Added 300ml AJ (each demi)
2013-09-23 Topped up with ~250ml AJ (each demi)
2013-19-09 Racked, 2/3 Campden per demi. Tastes done, or nearly. Leave to clear...
2013-10-21 Racked & Stabilised
2013-10-24 Bottled. Little bit rough but immediately drinkable.
2013-11-24 Rather nice and looking to get better
Of course unless you have a load in your freezer you'll have to wait until next year to make this, but hey.
Making 3 gallons (in 3 demis)...
2013-09-01 6kg of blackberries and 70g of blackcurrants mashed in 5l boiling water, Campdened.
2013-09-02 Pitched yeast (Ritchies Burgundy), 3tsp nutrient, 3tsp pectolase
2013-09-07 Strained to demis, 1tsp tannin each, more pectolase and nutrient JIC, to each demi added 1lk sugar dissolved (ish) in warm water.
2013-09-12 Added 300ml AJ (each demi)
2013-09-13 Added 300ml AJ (each demi)
2013-09-23 Topped up with ~250ml AJ (each demi)
2013-19-09 Racked, 2/3 Campden per demi. Tastes done, or nearly. Leave to clear...
2013-10-21 Racked & Stabilised
2013-10-24 Bottled. Little bit rough but immediately drinkable.
2013-11-24 Rather nice and looking to get better