bought some new kit :)

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norfolk brew

Active Member
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
went to day and bought
fementing bin
syphon tube
hydro meter
air locks ( bubbles )
wire brushes and bottle brushes.
wine yeast
cider yeast
few demi jhons
a cider kit (40 pints)
sterliseing stuff
24 ceramic toper bottles.

now what an earth can i make lol. im doing the cider kit tommrow. so thats that done. then im not shaw what i have the kit for to make next. any ideas everyone. ????
i have a turbo cider on the go thats been going 3 days will let you knoow how that goes. ???
tell me if i need any thing else as im new to this.
il have a look on here for a ingredents list for the worlezes . is it nice ??? any one treid it ? and how long does it take to brew ish ?
il give it ago . the turbo cider i have in the demi johns bubbleing well. not shaw when to rack it in to bottles. do i do it when it stops bubbleing in the air lock ?? thanks for replying.
norfolk brew said:
il give it ago . the turbo cider i have in the demi johns bubbleing well. not shaw when to rack it in to bottles. do i do it when it stops bubbleing in the air lock ?? thanks for replying.

With TC i tend to rack it off into a clean DJ when its finished fementing, and then once its clear i bottle it.