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Jun 22, 2011
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so I bottled my first brew last night. was very exciting but I have a few concerns

I realised that my coopers bottling thing you get in the starter kit didnt fit in the tap I have in my youngs fv.

so I used a funnel which was flush on the bottom end with the bottling thing.

worked ok, not ideal. will want an alternate idea next time i bottle from that fv

anyway, as I bottled a lot of the beer in the bottles bubbled some as it went into the bottle. I'm a little concerned about this- was this air/oxygen getting in? (I poured very slowly) if so, wot would air/oxygen getting in mean at this stage?

also, I noticed a lot of the carb drops I used stuck to the bottom of the glass bottles I used, but not the plastic ones- will this be a problem? I assume they'll just dissolve?

what do you all think?

thanks guys

yeah, that bottling stick is what i was calling the 'bottling thing' in my post above. any thoughts on the bubbles and head in the bottled beer?

thanks again
mattybabsy said:
anyway, as I bottled a lot of the beer in the bottles bubbled some as it went into the bottle. I'm a little concerned about this- was this air/oxygen getting in? (I poured very slowly) if so, wot would air/oxygen getting in mean at this stage?

Its true that you want to avoid getting too much oxygen into your beer after the initial aerobic fermentation. However when bottling its unavoidable and there will be a small amount. I wouldn't worry about it, the small about of oxygen that has got in will be metabolised by the yeast during the secondary fermentation.

If you are interested there is a "How To" on Batch Priming that might give you some hints and ideas for future bottings. :thumb: