Hello all,
I am fairly new to home brewing, having so far brewed just one batch of cider and one of ale, both from kits. The cider I bottled, but I never added sugar at the second stage of fermentation, so it is like a scrumpy in texture. The ale I put into a keg. I have just started a stout kit today and it is now all in the fermenting bucket. I intend to bottle it, as my keg still has the ale in it, and it will still be in use by the time the stout is ready to be bottled. The bottles I used for the cider were various 500 and 568 ml bottles that I have been saving over the last couple of months. Would these bottles be suitable to bottle the stout in, or would I be best to buy new (unused) ones from a brewing shop? When I bought my fermenting bucket I was told that the bottles the shop sold could withstand greater pressures than those that I have been saving.
I would be grateful of any advice. Thanks,
I am fairly new to home brewing, having so far brewed just one batch of cider and one of ale, both from kits. The cider I bottled, but I never added sugar at the second stage of fermentation, so it is like a scrumpy in texture. The ale I put into a keg. I have just started a stout kit today and it is now all in the fermenting bucket. I intend to bottle it, as my keg still has the ale in it, and it will still be in use by the time the stout is ready to be bottled. The bottles I used for the cider were various 500 and 568 ml bottles that I have been saving over the last couple of months. Would these bottles be suitable to bottle the stout in, or would I be best to buy new (unused) ones from a brewing shop? When I bought my fermenting bucket I was told that the bottles the shop sold could withstand greater pressures than those that I have been saving.
I would be grateful of any advice. Thanks,