Bottling question

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New Member
Nov 18, 2012
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Hi guys, sorry I've asked so many questions lately, would it be ok to bottle half of my beer today and leave the rest till tomorrow or is it best to do it all at once? I know it's a silly question but I'm being very cautious with my first brew!
I've not bottled anything myself, only barrelled. But what is to be achieved by doing it in two lots?

You're only going to have to sterilise the syphon/little bottler twice, and you're going to have two sessions of sterilising bottles.

I'd suggest doing it in one go, to save having to go through sterilising things twice
If you are bottle priming there's nothing to stop you doing it in two lots. If you plan on batch priming, which is easier and will give more consistent results, you'll need to do it in one go.

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